20-22 May Day Green & 21/25 Burlington Arcade, Barnsley, S70 1SH

Speak to an Agent

Flynn Burgess

Graduate Surveyor

Property Details

Tenure Rent/Price Rateable Value EPC Rating
For Sale
Sale Price: Offers in the region of £775,000

Key Features

  • Mixed use commercial investment
  • 100% let to 4 tenants. Greggs and Sewing centre recently renewed
  • Current rental income - £90,250 pax
  • Opposite the "Glassworks", Barnsley's newest shopping and leisure destination


Barnsley has an urban population of approximately 244,000 persons (2021 Census) and is situated in South Yorkshire, 16 miles north of Sheffield and 23 miles south of Leeds. The town is well served by the motorway network with Junction 37 of the M1 situated approximately 1.5 miles to the west via the A628 Dodworth Road. The subject property occupies a highly prominent retail position opposite The Glassworks, Barnsley newest shopping and leisure destination, with other national retailers in the immediate vicinity. Barnsley hosts a bustling outdoor market on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays together with an indoor market.


A three storey property with sectional concrete cladding beneath a flat roof comprising three ground floor retail units with offices above. Two of the retail units front Mayday Green and one is accessed off Burlington Arcade.

The second floor is occupied by a pool and gaming bar.

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